street scene [weill]

composer | KURT WEILL
playwright | ELMER RICE
dramaturg | KEVIN BYRNE
costume designer | RACHEL LAMBERT
lighting designer | CHRISTINE BINDER
movement director | AMY WILKINSON
fight & intimacy director | NICKY JASPER
photographer | DOUG MCGOLDRICK

modern full-length opera

Key research image for 'Street Scene': a sense of explosion.

The production opens with the entire ensemble in a tight scrum.

Rather than slice-of-life realism, the space is emotional, abstract, and greyscale.

The gossiping neighbors in "Get a load of that?" (L to R: Stephanie Gubin, Tyler Whitney, Sadie Cheslak, Grace Ryan, Elliot Kovitz)

Lippo (Alda Alan Navarette) leads the Ice Cream Sextet (with David Kakareko as Henry at R).

Frank Maurrant (Jake Hanes) wants "Things To Be As They Always Was".

Jennie (Cameron Kidd) celebrates things "Wrapped in a Ribbon and Tied in a Bow".

Sam (Steven Schein) sings about his "Lonely House".

Rose (Cristina Rosheger) is seduced by Harry Easter (Cole Ichida), asking "Wouldn't You Like to be on Broadway?"

Dick and Mae start in reality in "Moon Faced, Starry Eyed"...

...move into song and dance...

...and end with a big finish!

Rose and Sam embrace at the end of Act I, as the community observe them.

Joan (Rylie Peck) and her pals play in the street.

Rose adjusts Willie's (Shayla Glaser) tie while Anna (Grace Thompson) praises him in "A Boy Like You".

The community lament the murder of Anna by Frank.

The scrum returns at the beginning of the final scene.

Officer Murphy (Sierra Shoemaker) cleans up after Anna's murder.

Two eccentric nursemaids (Meghan Krueger and Marco Rivera Rosa) read the tabloids and sing a "Lullaby".

Rose confronts Frank in "I Loved Her Too".

The final image reveals Rose in a colorful dress once she chooses to leave home.